Session 43 and 44
Many changes are happening in the land of Tarq. Two players have become gods. Davros killed the Lizard god and assumed his position in the pantheon of Tarq, and Vincent accepted the position formerly held by Tito. He is the new Protector for the Weak.
Cad, through his mass genocide, gathered the divine sparks that reside in every living creature he murdered that day. Through this atrocity, he passed the Task of Ascension, and became a demigod. While still weak, Davros and Vincent spotted his newly created Diving Spark and went after him.
It was an easy fight. God-cad did not have the power to extend into defaultia and destroy a computer. He wild shaped into a monster and summoned goons during the fight, but to no avail. He perished and his god shard was taken. (Who took it?)
Meanwhile, Lórien was off fighting his way through life. He decided that his latest challenge was going to be killing a god. He looked up an old friend and enticed Solaris the ranger to join him on his new quest. Solaris gladly picked up his bow of doubling and set out with his old friend. Over a camp fire, they reminisced about their previous visit to the Dark Temple.
Lórien swept aside the arcane lock that held the door to Palelil's chamber. He and Solaris stepped in and he uttered, "Pel". Nothing happened. He realized that he could only summon a god once. "Wait here Solaris, I'll be right back", and teleported away.
Moments later he returned with a bedraggled Taldor. "Speak the WORD!" commanded Lórien. The meek Taldor whispered, "Pel," and that was all the help Solaris and Lórien needed. With prepared actions, they destroyed the inexperienced god. Lórien stepped in and snorted the god shard to complete his Task of Ascension. He could feel the power coursing through his nerves.
"Care to become a God today Solaris?" he asked.
DnD Next Test Play
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Lórien's further adventures
Lórien's further adventures
While the party was off battling their way through the Anforn cavern, Lórien was off increasing his power. Recently a high powered mage had caught his attention, and although he was unrivaled in the land of mortals, he felt the power of this one.The eye of Iban had no difficulty locating the upstart mage in the ethereal plane. He focused on
Cally the mage. Studying her from afar. Gauging her strength.
Many had argued that the powers of an illusionist were inferior to those of an invoker. Many are foolish though. Lórien was just starting to feel the true power of his chosen path. Fused with the power of a dead god, he was feeling strong that day.

He though that the moment was at hand, and reached through the planar barrier with the hand of Iban and grabbed Cally by the throat.
The started Cally struggled against his grasp, but with a belt of ogre strength, his grip held fast. He tore her back into the material plane and began the duel. Starting off with a hold monster spell, Cally was restrained.
"Your power is weak," spoke Lórien in a low voice. "You cannot use the ethereal plane to hide from me."
Cally's mind began to panic. "It was not supposed to end like this ..." she thought.
"I wrote up a new spell, but haven't tried it yet. Would you like to help in my research? ... Oh I forgot, you were having a problem with your mouth weren't you."
Lórien raised his hands and cast Cone of Stupidity Cally felt the raw necrotic power take root in her brain as Lórien exhaled a cone of deadly spores. She involuntarily inhaled as he released his magical grip on her.
Cally muttered a few words, and meteors began to fall from the sky. "Your enchantments mean nothing to me" said Lórien as he stepped through the flames unscathed. "Now, let me show you true power ..." and he reached up to caress Cally's face. With a touch, a horrible feeling shook her body. Veins began to bulge unnaturally over her body, growing like a cancer.
Cally brought up an arm to ward off Lórien's touch, but to her horror the limb fell off. In shock, Cally tried to mount a defense. She managed a ray of frost, but Lórien just caught it in his outstretched hand.
"Ahhh, my research seems to have paid off," said Lórien. "Degenerate seems to work perfectly. Shall we end this?" He stepped back, raised his hand and cast peel. The outer membrane of Cally's body separated from the rest of her body, revealing sensitive flesh beneath. Lórien chuckled as he thought to himself, "Ouch. That is going to leave a mark ..."
As an afterthought, he turned around, laid his hands on Cally and cast death knell. Lórien flexed his muscles and felt his power increase as he absorbed the last remnants of what used to be Cally. As he stood up, he thought to himself, "It is about time that I finish researching how to make a magic jar," and stepped into the negative energy plane.
Within an hour, all that was left of Cally was a few bones and another notch in Lórien's Staff of Ruin.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Drums of Panic
Drums of panic:
These kettle drums, hemispheres about 1 foot in diameter, come in pairs and are unremarkable in appearance. If both are sounded, all creatures within 120 feet (with the exception of those within a "safe zone" of 20-foot-radius from the drums) must roll a successful DC 15 wis save or turn and move directly away from the sound for one full turn.
Each turn thereafter, panicked creatures may attempt to save again. Each failure brings another turn of movement away from the drums of panic. Movement is at the fastest possible speed while fleeing in panic, and three rounds of rest are required for each turn of fast movement after the saving throw is made. Creatures with Intelligence of 2 roll saving throws with -2 penalties, those with 1 or less roll with -4 penalties.
If these drums are struck by a bard, the radius of the inner "safe zone" can be reduced to any desired measurement. Affected creatures suffer a saving throw penalty of-1 per three levels of the bard.
Orb of Mental Renewal
This orb has 7 charges. Using an action, you can spend up to three charges to heal 3 points of Int damage. Each night the orb regenerates 1d6+1 charges (up to 7).
Monday, November 25, 2013
Session 42
Session 42
Vincent Tigersoul
The adventure
We began the day on the first level of Anforn Cavern. Grimthain finally caught up with the party. Hekping out with Kilborn's Regiment took more time than he had planned and the rest of the group started ridding Anforn of undead before he arrived.
The first room was fulled with skeletons. There were enough to overpower the group, but Grimthian took them out en masse with a turn undead. The next fight was not so easy. Two Necromants were waiting in the next room, and they began to cast some high powered spells. Fireballs and blight rained down on the party.
A well placed silence spell helped to finish things quickly. The party searched the surrounding caves and found a bit of loot among the decaying remains. Heading east and north into a side cavern, both of the squishies were running on ahead. Grim put a stop to that and was the first into the northwestern room. He set off a Force Cage that summoned Hamatula, the Barbed Devil.
Hamatula could barely damage Grim. Grim banished the devil, but it was prevented from going to its home plane by the magic of the force cage. The cage was brought down quickly after that and the devil was put down though.
Venturing south, Davros activated a second trap, and the entire area filled with a cloud of stinking vapor. A thunderwave took care of dispersing it though.
Heading west, the party came across a Pit Fiend. Three more barbed devils were summoned and the pit fiend started to rain down fireballs. Davros, and Grimthain were battling in the front lines, really doing damage. The summoned devils were taking their toll on the ranger and Vincent. At a critical moment, Vincent was able to banish the devil and the fight was won.
Heading south, the party holed up in a room and is currently taking an extended rest until our next session.
Winged boots
Necklace of fireballs (7 beads)
Deep red sphere Ioun stone (+1 to dex)
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Session 41
Session 41
Vincent Tigersoul - Human PaladinDavros Northdrake - Dragonborn Swordmage
Thonion - High Elf Mage
Guan Yu - Human Fighter
The Adventure
We started today's adventure in the Anforn Cavern. Guan Yu joined us again for more adventure. Entering further into the cavern, Vincent noticed a strange mage following behind the party. I think his name may yet still be unknown, although he did do quite a bit of work in the first fight and the last.
Heading further into the cavern, the party came upon a room full of sarcophagi. Guan Yu opened the first one and was attacked by a skeleton. As combat commenced, the four sarcophagi in the center of the room exploded and four Thamalques blasted out to join the melee. The skeletons were easily put down, even after many more joined the fight after being burned out of their resting places by a wall of fire.
Heading deeper into the cavern, Davros was surprised by Thonion and threw an axe at him. Both Vincent and Guan Yu tried to catch it, but it hit Thonion in the knee. As he was being questioned by the party, a noise was heard off in the distance. Guan Yu headed off toward the doors to check things out.
A group of zombies was in the next room. The Taldor Rot are undead Taldor, a race of Drow like beings who inhabit this world. They are followers of the evil and broken god Palelil. The Dwarf Rots are dead dwarves are dwarves who died in the massacre around Anforn. These undead were not reanimated, they died normally, but found their undead lives still going when the gods refused to let anyone pass into the spirit realm. In life the races are enemies, but in death, they all hate living and only wish for their souls to be set free.
Davros walled off the cavern to the north and the party headed south to the Grand Chamber of Zlntrlkopfr. Throwing a light spell into the room, the party discovered a diverse group of undead. It was lead by a Sheerim, a powerful undead humanoid so twisted that its former race is indiscernible. It was a difficult fight, but Thonion started off with a bang, and put down most of the skeletons, but as the tides began to turn, he climbed a rope to safety. He neglected to pull it up behind him and a ghost followed him through the portal. This proved nearly fatal to the mage. Exiting the interplanar room, he blinded the undead and the rest of the party mopped them up.
Searching the room, the party found a quill. The Windscribe Quill is a legendary magic item of Tarq, and one of the items the warring dwarf chiefs has quested you to find. It is an intelligent magic item. Davros picked it up and identified it. We will see what it does in future sessions.
Heading south, the party encountered a trap. There was a apparatus in the center of the room, and Thonion started the ecto-pumps. Guan Yu escaped before the doors closed and Davros headed through the wall to safety. Vincent and Thonion were stuck, but Guan Yu broke through the locked door and was bowled over by Vincent. Having achieved their freedom, the party headed north.
Along the way, a few more Rots were put down. Further north, the party found an Ecto Cooler. A large circular room with a bridge in the center and 8 hallways branching off in the cardinal and ordinal directions. This fight was a challenging battle. A Necromant joined the combat and tried to hit Davros with an irresistible dance. His next attack was a prismatic spray that also failed. Had his first and second attacks been successful, the melee would have been a different story. As it was, the rest of the undead were soon killed put out of their misery.
We ended our adventure here.
A bone scroll case containing a scroll of resurrection
A cleric spell book with Light and Guidance written in it.
A tube of leather inscribed with symbols of skulls and capped by a plug of obsidian contains a scroll of protection from undead.
A gold necklace with a topaz pendant 250 gp.
The Windscribe Quill
Current Level: 19
Windscribe Quill
Windscribe Quill
This magical quill is an intelligent item. If asked a direct yes or no question, it will answer accurately. Five questions may be asked altogether (treat as a commune spell spell, but only 1 question a time).
This magical quill is an intelligent item. If asked a direct yes or no question, it will answer accurately. Five questions may be asked altogether (treat as a commune spell spell, but only 1 question a time).
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